Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Long and Winding Road

So... I was reading through the last year's posts, both ones published and ones sitting in draft, and this blog had changed. Sad, really. It originally was a truthful thing, it talked of God and a quest for truth, it talked of a rather extreme decision to live amongst the street community of Berkeley. But over the last year, it was pretty much whining, or a blog post written for a particular reader or two, or what have you. I'm going to pair it up with "VeriTasti" and "Violet's Kitchen" - and we're going to start creating a series of tutorials on PhotoShop methods, web design, and blogging.
We'll use this site as the playground, as we'll set up some graphics designs, explore the Blogger Minima and Simple II templates, learn a little about HTML/CSS and even some (gasp!) javascript; we'll talk about what APIs are, how to use 'White Hat' SEO, and even look at how we can make this worth our while with Google AdSense. We'll describe the process over at VertiTasti. We'll display some art at Violet's Kitchen. And hopefully, when all is said and done, we'll have a great looking blog here at the Road, and get back on track with some of that witty and soul revealing writing... I've got some work to do on a real website right this moment, but I'll be back in a day or two with an article on Veritasti describe the architecture of the Blogger Template we'll be starting of with, and we'll do the easy cosmetic changes to set up our color swatch, and take a look at our overall setup from what is our goal in designing the blog down to which side we should have a sidebar on.
And every once in awhile, we'll sneak in a great metaphor, since hopefully, getting the road back on track by going back to where it first went astray - a C.S. Lewis favorite about going back to get ahead - and keep the traditions of senseless babbling and such alive...

Here's to a new road,

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